NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • How it works
  • Authentication
  • Organisers
  • Events
  • Races
  • Participants
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the eventrac developer API. You can use our API to access Event/Race information and add Participants to a given Race.

    To help with development, a collection of API calls are available in postman. This is using our sandbox environment.

    Run in Postman

    This is an in development API

    How it works

    This version of the eventrac API uses jSend as the protocol to communicate between the client and the server An example response might look like (see right).

    A typical successful response:

      "status": "success",
      "data": {
        "participant": {
          "address_1": "",
          "address_2": "",
          "address_country": "",
          "emergency_name": "",
          "emergency_number": "",
          "id": 44362,
          "race_id": 123,
          "first_name": "Aaron",
          "last_name": "Bird",
          "email": "",
          "dob": "1992-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
          "gender": "m",
          "form_additions": [
              "id": 4841,
              "value": "Nothing of note"
              "id": 5815,
              "value": 10326
          "affiliations": {
            "uk-athletics": "8976542"
          "orders": [
              "sku_id": 4241,
              "quantity": 2
      "links": []

    A typical response with validation errors:

      "status": "error",
      "message": "Validation failed",
      "code": 422,
      "data": {
        "external_reference": {
          "unique": "The provided value is invalid"


    To authorize, use this code:

    # With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
    curl "api_endpoint_here"
      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"

    Make sure to replace yourapikey with your API key.

    eventrac uses API keys to allow access to the API. To receive an API key, please contact

    eventrac expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

    Authorization: yourapikey


    Get All Events for an organiser

    curl "<ORGANISER_ID>/events"
      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"

    The above command returns JSON array of events, structured like this:

        "id": 59,
        "name": "Thames Meander",
        "description": "<p>A scenic summer run starting from the YMCA Hawker Centre....</p>",
        "url": "",
        "has_future_races": true,
        "location": "",
        "img_url": "http://www.eventrac.local/59.jpg",
        "geo_location": {
          "lat": 51.426989,
          "lng": -0.309023,
          "zoom": 10
        "header_image_url": "http://www.eventrac.local/1537804765.jpg",
        "organiser_terms": "I understand that entries are non refundable and non transferable, including cancellation in the event of circumstances that may arise beyond our control. If you use iPods/ MP3 players you do so at your own risk, over-ear bone conduction Aftershokz earphones are preferred for all our races.\n",
        "platform_terms": ""
        "id": 60,
        "name": "Bewl Water",
        "description": "<p>A scenic summer run starting from the YMCA Hawker Centre....</p>",
        "url": "",
        "has_future_races": true,
        "location": "",
        "img_url": "http://www.eventrac.local/59.jpg",
        "geo_location": {
          "lat": 51.426989,
          "lng": -0.309023,
          "zoom": 10
        "header_image_url": "http://www.eventrac.local/1537804765.jpg",
        "organiser_terms": "I understand that entries are non refundable and non transferable, including cancellation in the event of circumstances that may arise beyond our control. If you use iPods/ MP3 players you do so at your own risk, over-ear bone conduction Aftershokz earphones are preferred for all our races.\n",
        "platform_terms": ""
        "id": 61,
        "name": "Bewl Water Ultra",
        "description": "<p>A scenic summer run starting from the YMCA Hawker Centre....</p>",
        "url": "",
        "has_future_races": false,
        "location": "",
        "img_url": "http://www.eventrac.local/59.jpg",
        "geo_location": {
          "lat": 51.426989,
          "lng": -0.309023,
          "zoom": 10
        "header_image_url": "http://www.eventrac.local/1537804765.jpg",
        "organiser_terms": "I understand that entries are non refundable and non transferable, including cancellation in the event of circumstances that may arise beyond our control. If you use iPods/ MP3 players you do so at your own risk, over-ear bone conduction Aftershokz earphones are preferred for all our races.\n",
        "platform_terms": ""

    This endpoint retrieves all events for a given organiser.

    HTTP Request


    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    ORGANISER_ID The ID of the event organiser


    Parameter Description
    id The ID of the event
    name The Name of the event
    description A description about the event
    url The URL to the eventrac landing page
    has_future_races Boolean indicating if this event has any races in the future indicating if this event has any races in the future


    Get all future Races for an Event

    curl "<EVENT_ID>/races"
      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"

    The above command returns a JSON array of race objects:

        "id": 728,
        "name": "Half Marathon",
        "capacity": 300,
        "participant_count": 150,
        "date": "2018-06-10T08:00:00+00:00",
        "closing_date": "2017-06-08T12:00:00+00:00",
        "description": "This is my race description",
        "created": "2021-02-16T00:00:00+00:00",
        "modified": "2021-02-16T00:00:00+00:00",
        "affiliations": [
        "team_race": false,
        "min_team_size": null,
        "max_team_size": null,
        "form_additions": [
            "label": "Do you have any medical conditions?",
            "id": 4841,
            "mandatory": false,
            "input_type": "text",
            "select_options": []
            "label": "What is your favourite colour?",
            "id": 5815,
            "mandatory": false,
            "input_type": "select",
            "select_options": [
                "label": "Red",
                "id": 10326
                "label": "Green",
                "id": 10327
                "label": "Blue",
                "id": 10328
        "products": [
            "description": "A demo product",
            "title": "T-Shirt",
            "img_url": null,
            "max_quantity": null,
            "variations": [
                "id": 4241,
                "title": "T-shirt - sm red",
                "inventory_remain": 16,
                "price": {
                  "amount": 1000,
                  "shipping_amount": 150,
                  "currency": "GBP",
                  "booking_fee_paid_by": "participant",
                  "booking_fee": 100
                "id": 4242,
                "title": "T-shirt - md red",
                "inventory_remain": 10,
                "price": {
                  "amount": 1100,
                  "shipping_amount": 150,
                  "currency": "GBP",
                  "booking_fee_paid_by": "participant",
                  "booking_fee": 110
        "event": {
          "id": 100,
          "name": "Whiteley Village Races",
          "url": "",
          "description": "This is my event description",
          "has_future_races": true,
          "geo_location": {
            "lat": 51.426989,
            "lng": -0.309023,
            "zoom": 10
          "location": "Adventure park",
          "img_url": "",
          "header_image_url": "",
          "organiser_terms": "organiser terms\n and conditions",
          "platform_terms": "eventrac terms and conditions"
        "has_capacity": true,
        "status": "closed",
        "price": {
          "amount": 1800,
          "affiliated_amount": 1600,
          "currency": "GBP",
          "booking_fee": 83,
          "booking_fee_paid_by": "organiser"
        "category": "running",
        "url": ""
        "id": 729,
        "name": "Marathon",
        "capacity": 300,
        "participant_count": 150,
        "date": "2018-06-10T08:00:00+00:00",
        "closing_date": "2017-06-08T12:00:00+00:00",
        "description": "This is my race description",
        "created": "2021-02-16T00:00:00+00:00",
        "modified": "2021-02-16T00:00:00+00:00",
        "affiliations": [],
        "form_additions": [],
        "team_race": true,
        "min_team_size": 2,
        "max_team_size": 3,
        "event": {
          "id": 100,
          "name": "Whiteley Village Races",
          "url": "",
          "description": "This is my event description",
          "has_future_races": true,
          "geo_location": {
            "lat": 51.426989,
            "lng": -0.309023,
            "zoom": 10
          "location": "Adventure park",
          "img_url": "",
          "header_image_url": "",
          "organiser_terms": "organiser terms\n and conditions",
          "platform_terms": "eventrac terms and conditions"
        "has_capacity": true,
        "status": "closed",
        "price": {
          "amount": 1800,
          "affiliated_amount": 1600,
          "currency": "GBP",
          "booking_fee": 83,
          "booking_fee_paid_by": "organiser"
        "category": "running",
        "url": ""

    This endpoint retrieves all races (in the future) for a given event

    HTTP Request


    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    EVENT_ID The ID of the event to retrieve


    Parameter Description
    data An array of races (See getting an individual race)

    Get a Specific Event

    curl "<ID>"
      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"

    The above command returns a JSON event object structured like this:


    This endpoint retrieves a specific event.

    HTTP Request


    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    ID The ID of the event to retrieve

    Event Object

    Parameter Description
    id The ID of the event
    name The Name of the event
    description The description of the event as set by the organiser
    url The URL of the event
    has_future_races Boolean indicating if this event has any races in the future


    Get a Specific Race

    curl "<ID>"
      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"

    The above command returns a JSON race object structured like this:

      "id": 851,
      "name": "Whiteley Village 10Km",
      "capacity": 300,
      "participant_count": 150,
      "date": "2018-06-10T08:00:00+00:00",
      "closing_date": "2017-06-08T12:00:00+00:00",
      "description": "This is my race description",
      "created": "2021-02-16T00:00:00+00:00",
      "modified": "2021-02-16T00:00:00+00:00",
      "affiliations": [
      "team_race": false,
      "min_team_size": null,
      "max_team_size": null,
      "form_additions": [
          "label": "Do you have any medical conditions?",
          "id": 4841,
          "mandatory": false,
          "input_type": "text",
          "select_options": []
          "label": "What is your favourite colour?",
          "id": 5815,
          "mandatory": false,
          "input_type": "select",
          "select_options": [
              "label": "Red",
              "id": 10326
              "label": "Green",
              "id": 10327
              "label": "Blue",
              "id": 10328
      "products": [
          "description": "A demo product",
          "title": "T-Shirt",
          "img_url": null,
          "max_quantity": null,
          "variations": [
              "id": 4241,
              "title": "T-shirt - sm red",
              "inventory_remain": 16,
              "price": {
                "amount": 1000,
                "shipping_amount": 150,
                "currency": "GBP",
                "booking_fee_paid_by": "participant",
                "booking_fee": 100
              "id": 4242,
              "title": "T-shirt - md red",
              "inventory_remain": 10,
              "price": {
                "amount": 1100,
                "shipping_amount": 150,
                "currency": "GBP",
                "booking_fee_paid_by": "participant",
                "booking_fee": 110
      "event": {
        "id": 100,
        "name": "Whiteley Village Races",
        "url": "",
        "description": "This is my event description",
        "has_future_races": true,
        "geo_location": {
          "lat": 51.426989,
          "lng": -0.309023,
          "zoom": 10
        "location": "Adventure park",
        "img_url": "",
        "header_image_url": "",
        "organiser_terms": "organiser terms\n and conditions",
        "platform_terms": "eventrac terms and conditions"
      "has_capacity": true,
      "status": "closed",
      "price": {
        "amount": 1800,
        "affiliated_amount": 1600,
        "currency": "GBP",
        "booking_fee": 83,
        "booking_fee_paid_by": "organiser"
      "category": "running",
      "url": ""

    This endpoint retrieves a specific race

    HTTP Request


    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    ID The ID of the race to retrieve

    Race Object

    Parameter Description
    id The ID of the race
    name The Name of the race
    capacity The capacity of the race. Once this is met has_capacity will be false
    participant_count The number of confirmed participants.
    date The date of the event in UTC
    closing_date The closing date of the event in UTC
    description The race description as set by the organiser
    event The event object (see event object)
    has_capacity Boolean indicating if the race has capacity for new participants to enter
    status One of "open", "closed", "full" - "open" indicates that participants can enter this race. "closed", "full" indicates the race cannot be entered at this time
    price A price object describing the entry price and booking fees
    amount - the price of the race as advertised to the participant (without any booking fees)
    currency - the currnecy of any fees
    booking_fee - the eventrac booking fee
    booking_fee_paid_by - who pays the booking fee. Can be either organiser or participant. In the case of *
    created The date/time this race was added to the system
    modified The date/time this race was last modified by the organiser
    form_additions Additional questions the organiser wishes to ask
    affiliations A list of affiliations the organiser accepts for this race
    team_race true/false is this is a team ticket
    min_team_size If team_race, the minimum number of participants
    max_team_size If team_race, the maximum number of participants
    product A list of products that are sold as part of this race

    participant*, this should be added to the amount. url | A url to the eventrac landing page for this race


    Retrieve a participant

      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"

    The above command returns a JSON participant object structured like this:

      "id": 44287,
      "race_id": 756,
      "first_name": "Aaron",
      "last_name": "Bird",
      "dob": "1986-05-04T00:00:00+00:00",
      "external_reference": "5ac897c6dc7a10001596163b",
      "gender": "m"

    This endpoint retrieves information about a specific participant

    HTTP Request


    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    EXTERNAL-REFERENCE The source booking platforms reference

    Response - Participant Object

    Parameter Description
    id The ID of the participant
    race_id The ID of the race they are entered into
    first_name The first name of the participant
    last_name The last name of the participant
    dob The dob of the participant
    external_reference The reference of the external booking agent
    gender The gender of the participant

    Add a single Participant to a Race

    curl -X POST "<ID>/participants"
      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"
      -d {"email":"","first_name":"Roger","last_name":"Bigs","gender":"m","dob":"1992-01-13","external_reference":"my-reference","address_1":"Some house","emergency_number":"0798536245","emergency_name":"Katherine","contact_number":"01403256987","metadata":{"key":"value", "browser":"safari"},"affiliations":{"uk-athletics":"8976542"},"form_additions":[{"id":"4841","value":"Nothing of note"},{"id":"5815","value":"10326"}]}

    The above command returns a JSON participant object structured like this:

      "id": 480955,
      "address_city": null,
      "address_state": null,
      "address_zip_code": null,
      "address_country": null,
      "emergency_name": "Katherine",
      "emergency_number": "0798536245",
      "race_id": 9099,
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "Roger",
      "last_name": "Bigs",
      "dob": "1992-01-13T00:00:00+00:00",
      "gender": "m",
      "form_additions": [
          "id": 4841,
          "value": "Nothing of note"
          "id": 5815,
          "value": 10326
      "affiliations": {
        "uk-athletics": "8976542"
      "orders": [
          "sku_id": 4241,
          "quantity": 2
      "profile_image": null,
      "address_1": "Some house",
      "address_2": "",
      "contact_number": "01403256987"

    This endpoint adds a participant to a race

    HTTP Request


    Request (POST) Parameters

    Parameter Required Description
    ID true The ID of the race to add this participant to
    external_reference true The source booking platforms reference - Must be unique for each participant of the same race
    email true The participants email address
    first_name false The participants first name
    last_name false The participants last name
    dob false The participants date of birth. Should be in format Y-m-d
    gender false The participants gender. Should be one of f (female), m (male), nb (non binary)
    address_1 false The participants address line 1
    address_2 false The participants address line 2
    address_city false The participants address town/city
    address_zip_code false The participants address post code/zip code
    address_state false The participants address county/state
    address_country false The participants address country
    contact_number false The participants contact number
    emergency_name false The name of the person to contact in case of emergency
    emergency_number false The contact number of the person to contact in case of emergency
    metadata false A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to the participant object. This can be useful for passing in additional entry form questions i.e. UKA Affiliation Number or a stripe transfer identifier etc..
    form_additions false Answers to custom questions (see race object)
    - - id - The id of the addition
    - - value - Either a string or the ID a select_option
    affiliations false Any affiliations (see race object for possible values)
    - - Object: :<user_entered_value
    orders false One or more associated orders (see race object)
    - - sku_id - The id of sku (variation)
    - - quantity - The quantity being ordered

    Response - Participant Object

    Parameter Description
    id The ID of the participant
    race_id The ID of the race they are entered into
    first_name The first name of the participant
    last_name The last name of the participant
    dob The dob of the participant
    gender The gender of the participant
    email The participants email address
    address_1 The participants address line 1
    address_2 The participants address line 2
    address_city The participants address town/city
    address_zip_code The participants address post code/zip code
    address_state The participants address county/state
    address_country The participants address country
    contact_number The participants contact number
    emergency_name The name of the person to contact in case of emergency
    emergency_number The contact number of the person to contact in case of emergency
    form_additions Answers to questions
    affiliations Affiliations
    orders Any associated orders

    Add multiple Participants to Race(s)

    curl -X POST ""
      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"
      -d {"participants":[{"race_id":123,"first_name":"Aaron","last_name":"Bird","gender":"m","dob":"1992-01-13","external_reference":"123"},{"race_id":123,"first_name":"Aaron","last_name":"Bird","gender":"m","dob":"1992-01-13","external_reference":"123-1","address_zip_code":"1234","metadata":{"hello":"world","another":"day"}}]}

    The json request object should look like this

      "participants": [
          "race_id": 123,
          "first_name": "Aaron",
          "last_name": "Bird",
          "gender": "m",
          "dob": "1986-04-05",
          "metadata": {
            "key": "value",
            "browser": "safari"
          "affiliations": {
            "uk-athletics": "8976542"
          "form_additions": [
              "id": "4841",
              "value": "Nothing of note"
              "id": "5815",
              "value": "10326"
          "race_id": 456,
          "first_name": "Sarah",
          "last_name": "Harding",
          "gender": "f",
          "dob": "1990-01-13",
          "external_reference": "123-1222"

    The above command returns a JSON participant object structured like this:

      "hasErrors": true,
      "participants": [
          "external_reference": "123",
          "errors": {
            "external_reference": {
              "unique": "The provided value is invalid"
          "id": 44322,
          "race_id": 123,
          "first_name": "Aaron",
          "last_name": "Bird",
          "dob": "2018-06-15T00:00:00+00:00",
          "email": "",
          "gender": "m",
          "address_1": "",
          "address_2": "",
          "address_city": "",
          "address_zip_code": "",
          "address_state": "",
          "address_country": "",
          "contact_number": "",
          "emergency_name": "",
          "emergency_number": ""

    This endpoint adds a participant to a race

    HTTP Request


    This endpoints expects and array of participants

    Request (POST) Parameters

    Parameter Required Description
    participants[0][email] true The participants email
    participants[0][external_reference] true The source booking platforms reference - Must be unique for each participant of the same race
    participants[0][first_name] false The participants first name
    participants[0][last_name] false The participants last name
    participants[0][dob] false The participants date of birth. Should be in format Y-m-d
    participants[0][gender] false The participants gender. Should be one of f (female), m (male), **

    nb** (non binary) ... | false | see Adding an individual participant for further options

    Response - Participant Object

    Parameter Description
    hasErrors If any of the participants could not be saved, this will hasErrors = true
    participants An array of participants - See the participant response object

    Update a participant

      -H "Authorization: yourapikey"
      -d {"participant":{"first_name":"Aaron","last_name":"Tweet","gender":"f","dob":"1992-05-14","address_1":"lighthouse"}}

    The above command returns a JSON participant object structured like this:

      "id": 44287,
      "race_id": 756,
      "first_name": "Matt",
      "last_name": "Woollard",
      "dob": "1985-01-20T00:00:00+00:00",
      "email": "",
      "gender": "m",
      "address_1": "",
      "address_2": "",
      "address_city": "",
      "address_zip_code": "",
      "address_state": "",
      "address_country": "",
      "contact_number": "",
      "emergency_name": "",
      "emergency_number": ""

    This endpoint updates a participant

    HTTP Request


    Request (PUT) Parameters

    Parameter Required Description
    EXTERNAL-REFERENCE true The source booking platforms reference
    email false The participants email address
    first_name false The participants first name
    last_name false The participants last name
    dob false The participants date of birth. Should be in format Y-m-d
    gender false The participants gender. Should be one of f (female), m (male), nb (non binary)
    external_reference true The source booking platforms reference - Must be unique for each participant of the same race
    address_1 false The participants address line 1
    address_2 false The participants address line 2
    address_city false The participants address town/city
    address_zip_code false The participants address post code/zip code
    address_state false The participants address county/state
    address_country false The participants address country
    contact_number false The participants contact number
    emergency_name false The name of the person to contact in case of emergency
    emergency_number false The contact number of the person to contact in case of emergency
    metadata false A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to the participant object. This can be useful for passing in additional entry form questions i.e. UKA Affiliation Number or a stripe transfer identifier etc..
    form_additions false Answers to custom questions (see race object)
    - - id - The id of the addition
    - - value - Either a string or the ID a select_option
    affiliations false Any affiliations (see race object for possible values)
    - - Object: :<user_entered_value
    orders false One or more associated orders (see race object)
    - - sku_id - The id of sku (variation)
    - - quantity - The quantity being ordered

    Response - Participant Object

    Parameter Description
    id The ID of the participant
    race_id The ID of the race they are entered into
    first_name The first name of the participant
    last_name The last name of the participant
    dob The dob of the participant
    gender The gender of the participant
    email The participants email address
    address_1 The participants address line 1
    address_2 The participants address line 2
    address_city The participants address town/city
    address_zip_code The participants address post code/zip code
    address_state The participants address county/state
    address_country The participants address country
    contact_number The participants contact number
    emergency_name The name of the person to contact in case of emergency
    emergency_number The contact number of the person to contact in case of emergency
    form_additions Answers to questions
    affiliations Affiliations
    orders Any associated orders


    The eventrac API uses the following error codes:

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
    401 Unauthenticated -- Your API key is wrong.
    403 Forbidden -- You are not allowed to access tis location.
    404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
    405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a service with an invalid method.
    422 Validation Errors -- Your request contains validation errors
    500 Service Exception -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.